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12/07/2022  |  773 lecturas





- School name: IES Sabinar

- Full address: C/ Pío Baroja s/n

- Telephone number: 950 15 67 83

- Email: ;

- Location link on Google Maps:

Contact of the reference person(s)

- Email of a member of the management team:

- Email of the teacher coordinating the program:

Education level

- Middle/High School: 12-18-year-old students

Collaboration subjects/modules of the Language Assistant

- Biology and Geology, History and Geography, Physical Education, Maths, Technology/ICT, English

Information about the town and/or neighborhood

Roquetas de Mar is a town of around 100,000 inhabitants. It is located on the coast of the province of Almeria in south-east Spain, 22 kms away from the city of Almeria (around 200,000 inhabitans). It has a hot semi-arid climate. Winters are mild and summers very hot. In general, it is dry all year round.


Roquetas de Mar’s economy is based on agriculture and tourism. Agriculture has attracted great numbers of migrant workers, especially from northern Africa.

Roquetas de Mar main tourist attractions are its beaches. In addition, you can find:

-            Golf courses

-            A shopping centre of 134,000 m2

-            A cinema with 13 film screens

-            An open air cinema in summer

-            A theatre

-            A bullring

-            A water park in summer

-            An aquarium

-            A sport stadium and various sport venues

-            Campings

-            Sailing schools

-            Many restaurants and tapas bars

-            Areas of night pubs (mainly in Aguadulce and Almeria)

Getting to school

- Public transport schedules (Roquetas de Mar-Almería):

- Possibility of car-pooling with other teachers: ask in September.



- Where to live in town?



- Possibility of staying with a family?





- Possibility of sharing a flat with teachers?

- Some teacher’s assistants decide to live in Roquetas de Mar, usually near the beach, others prefer the areas of Aguadulce or Almería, which offer a better nightlife. However, living in Aguadulce or Almería can be more inconvenient as you will be dependant on the public transport  (which is far from great) or car-pooling with other teachers.


- Links to rental websites:





Many teachers’ assistants find very useful to find a flat by using websites such as the Facebook groups for assistants. Roquetas de Mar has various schools which receive teachers’ assistants. This means that different assistants might want to share a flat with other assistants of the area.


- Contact of teachers interested in sharing a flat: ask in September.


Contact with other Language Assistants

- Ask the coordinator of the school at